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  • Souto Zavaleta
  • USA

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Souto Zavaleta, also known as "LatinoTechnique," is a fighting game player for Daily Hell FGC and Clash Gaming Network. He is previously served as Head tournament organizer of REKT Gaming Co. and is a huge Gurren Lagann fan.

He competes in titles such as Skullgirls, Fantasy Strike, Granble Fantasy: Versus, Mortal Kombat 11, Injustice 2, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Samurai Shodown, Street Fighter V.

At Frosty Faustings XII 2020, LatinoTechnique placed 65th in MK11 singles after losing matches against Trey and Royale. He also ranked 25th in Skullgirls, 33rd in SamSho, and 49th in Fantasy Strike.

Check out his Twitter here.

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