

  • Ryan Krichbaum
  • USA

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Playing : 4+
Birthday : Apr 25, 2002 (22)
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Ryan ''L4st'' Krichbaum is a tournament director and community tech coordinator for Team Liquid. He is mostly known for running The Box, currently the largest Smash online tournaments in history, and its subsequent series, The Box: Juice Box and The Box: Lunch Box.

His main in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is Byleth.

He is also the head TO of Dabuz and MkLeo's subscriber tournaments (Galaxy Gambit and M-Kolosseum respectively) alongside being directly involved with the seeding and running of several weekly events such as Mega Smash Mondays Online, Xanadu's Weekly Online Series, Maister's Flat Combats Series, and many more.

He joined Team Liquid as an Events Organizer in August of 2020.

Since Hungrybox decided to take a week off from Ultimate, The Box: Lunch Box 5 was then renamed to "L4st's Box". It was also notable for being the only tournament in the The Box: Lunch Box series that was opened to all players in North America, rather than being exclusive to Hungrybox's Twitch subscribers.

You can follow L4st on Twitter and Twitch.