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  • Kyle Flournoy
  • USA

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Kyle Flournoy "K.I.D.Goggles" is an American Super Smash Bros player from New York. He mains Sonic in SSBU, SSB4, and SSBB, Ganondorf in SSBM, and Mario in Project M.

K.I.D.Googles attends tournaments with googles on his head as a nod to his namesake and often partners with PikaPika! for smash doubles.

K.I.D.Googles has also competed in ssbu singles and ranked 33rd at Rising Stars at EGLX 2019, 49th at Glitch 6, 129th at Glitch 8 & Let's Make Big Moves, 193rd at Frostbite 2020 and DreamHack Atlanta 2019.


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