MatchesOverallOverallSeason 2020Matches played31Win rate50%Current streak (Old → New)CompletedSat, Feb 22DreamHack Anaheim 2020•DreamHack Anaheim 2020 – Tekken 73:57 AMBO3avimm2:0jonsf3:56 AMBO3xSALADBARx1:2jonsf3:54 AMBO1BFGC CHEF0:1jonsf3:52 AMBO1TUNA (US)0:1jonsf3:43 AMBO1NPC1:0jonsf
CareerBioJon "jonsf" Legaspi is a Tekken player from the USA. He competed in EVO 2017, 2018 and 2019. Jon also achieved 17th place during Dreamhack Anaheim 2020. You can find him on Twitter and Twitch.
Jon "jonsf" Legaspi is a Tekken player from the USA. He competed in EVO 2017, 2018 and 2019. Jon also achieved 17th place during Dreamhack Anaheim 2020. You can find him on Twitter and Twitch.