

  • Hyunjin Kim
  • South Korea

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Playing : 7+
Birthday : Jan 18, 1989 (35)
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Hyunjin "JDCR" Kim is a professional Tekken player from Seoul, South Korea

JDCR was just 8 years old when he first visited the arcade and gained a passion for fighting games. At first, he played the King of Fighters series until KoF 2000. His interest in Tekken began when he was 14 years old when his brother introduced him to Tekken Tag Tournament. That's also when he came up with his nickname, "JDCR" an abbreviation of a Korean phrase that denotes him playing many characters. At some point, JDCR became so good at the game that he would get beaten up in real life for constantly beating other people in the game, but he didn't let that discourage him.

At the age of 20, JDCR started entering local tournaments and by 22, he had won a regional qualifier that would allow him to compete at a major tournament in Hong Kong. Despite being drafted for conscription service, he was allowed to travel for the tournament and ended up winning it. This kickstarted his competitive career, as he received many invitations for other tournaments. As a result, much of his military service was spent competing in Tekken.

After that, he kept competing while finishing his chemistry degree in college. At some point after his graduation, Echo Fox called JDCR and he signed up to become a professional fighting games player.

JDCR proved himself to be an amazing competitor with an impressive record behind his back. He was a champion at EVO 2017, Combo Breaker 2017, NorCal StrongStyle 6, Electric Cancel 2019, DreamHack Montreal 2019, and others. On top of that, he has many top 4 and top 8 finishes in major tournaments including 3rd place at EVO 2021 Online Tekken 7 - Asia East and Season 1 of WePlay Ultimate Fighting League Tekken 7.

One of his defining features is a high level of execution, fundamentals, and game knowledge, which allowed him to achieve good results with off-meta characters like Armor King and Heihachi, both of which rarely see play in big tournaments.

Follow JDCR on Twitch, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram.