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  • Masahiro Ikeda
  • Japan

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Masahiro Ikeda, also known as "ikep" is a Japanese Super Smash Bros player from Gifu Prefecture. Ranked 22nd on the Japan Power Rankings and 71st on the PGR 100 Rankings, ikep mains Daisy in ssbu with Inkling, Mii Swordfighter secondaries and Bayonetta main in ssb4.

ikep won 1st place at Gifu smash 7, 9th at Smash Awesome!!, 13th place at Karisuma SP 5, 25th place at EGS Cup 2, 33rd at Sumabato SP 8, and 65th at Umebura Japan Major 2019.

He also streams games like Final Sword, Ninjala, and One Punch Man on YouTube.

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