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Goosey Boy

  • Liam Beauchamp
  • New Zealand

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Liam "Goosey Boy" Beauchamp is a fighting games competitor from Wellington, New Zealand. Their key disciplines are Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, where they main IkeBeauchamp is also known to play Rivals of Aether and Guilty Gear: Strive

Goosey Boy's career in competitive Smash began at Turficane 5 in 2017 (SSBWU). Since 2019, Goosey Boy has been playing SSBU. They have been a regular at such periodical local events as Wellington Ranbats and Smash-Net: Ultimate Ranbats. Apart from that, they have taken part in such events as: 

• 2019: Crush Counter Capital 2019, Biggie II.

• 2020: Windbox #10, Bad Dudes vs Coronavirus, the big yale! an au/nz wifi tournament, King of Fridays Smash Ultimate 22, Cospendium SSBU Community Tournament, Love To See It Fridays #3, Capital Punishment 2020 (the 2nd place). 

• 2021: Love To See It Fridays #9, Biggie III, King of Fridays 39, Smash-net 100: The Big one (the 2nd place), Crush Counter Capital 2021, and others.