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  • Elisandro Perez
  • Dominican Republic

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Elisandro "Droker" Perez is a fighting game player from the Dominican Republic who represents Pro Evolution Gaming. He plays titles such as Injustice 2, Mortal Kombat 11, Street Fighter V, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

He has competed in tourneys including Blink Fighting Fest 2019 & 2020, Blink In Da House, Chousen 2019, CPT Online 2020 Central America 1, CPT Online 2018 LATAM North 1, ElBatiTorneo2, First Attack 2020 Online, Game Over 2019, Luiman20&lilo24k, MenaRD Subs tournament 1 & 2, Only B Torneo Invitacional Liga B, and Quiero ser un pro Vol.3.

Follow Droker on Twitter!

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