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Daiki (1)

  • Daiki Shimizu
  • Japan

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Playing : 6+
Birthday : Jul 6, 1994 (29)
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Daiki Shimizu is a Japanese Super Smash Bros player. Ranked 89th on the Ultimate Japan Power Rankings, he mains Ice Climbers in SSBU, Mewtwo in SSBB, and Sheik & Meta Knight in SSB4 but plays a wide variety of characters.

Daiki has competed in several tourneys including Kagaribi, Smash Awesome!!, Seibugeki 4, Toryumon Kiwami 5, and Umebura SP 4. At EVO Japan 2020, he ranked 65th out of 2988 entrants with a win set rate of 75%. Daiki showed his skill in matches against opponents notably defeating ShiNe in the SPK5 pool losers round 2.

Daiki is also a fan of anime, manga, and social games. Follow him on Twitter.

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