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ShiNe (Tw)

  • Ken Huang
  • Taiwan

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Ken Huang or "ShiNe" (pronounced Shee-Nay)  is a Taiwanese Super Smash Bros professional player who lives in America. He is well known for participating in the Xi Gai Tong 2020 Tournament where he ranked 1st place out of 67 entrants. He also participated in the EVO Japan 2020 Tournament Super Smash Bros Ultimate event where he ranked 97th place out of 2988 entrants with a set win rate of 77.78%.

Using Donkey Kong or Pokemon Trainer as his main, with Lucas and Bowser as secondaries, he was able to dominate his pool set SPB3 in the first round but lost to fellow participant Tsumusuto in the rounds' winners final. He displayed his skill by effortlessly climb through the second round defeating all his opponents with ease. He was eliminated from the event in the third round losers round 2 when he lost to fellow participant Daiki "Daiki" Shimuzu in the SPK5 pool.

ShiNe was formerly a member of LAN Hero and currently sponsored by Mazer Gaming, he currently resides in Ponoma, California USA. 

He is known for participating in other Tournaments like CEO Dreamland 2020UCI x GameChanger Charity Smash Ultimate 2019, SwitchFest Kickoff 2019, Taipei Major 2019, LVL Up Expo 2019 and SoCal Regionals 2018

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