

  • Jomar Orlain
  • Canada

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Jomar ''Chocojo'' Orlain, formerly Chocobo, is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pikachu player from Alberta. He is currently ranked 10th on the Edmonton Power Rankings and as an Honorable Mention on the Alberta Power Rankings, with victories over players such as Nurse, Marf, Chaizord and Smear.
Chocojo competed and finished 7th in Western Canada ClashSalt Flats 2020Smash Horizon II, 9th in Animethon 26Salt Mines 2019 and The Nait eSports Invitational 2019. Also he competed in HABBY Birthday 2020SKL: Prairie PummelSmash at The Comic Strip: Punching UpPure Gaming 2019YEG Open 2019, VORTEXThe Pinnacle 2019 and Randall City 2.
Jomar is also a Mechanical Engineer.
You can follow Chocojo on Twitter and Twitch.