Matches statistic
Matches played
40Win rate
54%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
40Win rate
54%Current streak (Old → New)
Brandon ''Burst'' D. is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Inkling and Yoshi player from Ontario. He is currently ranked 8th on the Southern Ontario Power Rankings. He has defeated players such as Secret, Jw, Alphicans, tamim, king_chris, Advo, and smasher1001.
In Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Burst was a Yoshi player. He is ranked 15th on the Wi-Fi Warrior Rank v2 and has defeated players such as John Numbers, Stas, and LetsTickle.
Burst competed and finished 3rd in Saints Ultimate Launch Tournament, 5th in The Amuka Smash Cup, HABBY Birthday 2019 and Float. Also he competed in Ultimate Naifu Wars 2, Frostbite 2019 and 2020, The Box: Lunch Box 1, Super Smash Galaxy, Uncivil War: 1st Edition, Juice Box 22 and SWT: NA Northeast Ultimate Online Qualifier.