Matches statistic
Matches played
49Win rate
53%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
49Win rate
53%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
49Win rate
53%Current streak (Old → New)
8:00 AMBO3 | Beast Infection | 1 :2 | DieLit Wave | ||
7:30 AMBO3 | Beast Infection | 2 :1 | Jpad |
9:00 AMBO3 | Beast Infection | 1 :2 | 4ntagonist | ||
8:30 AMBO3 | Beast Infection | 2 :0 | PantzForHire | ||
8:00 AMBO3 | Beast Infection | 2 :0 | FearSymphony | ||
7:30 AMBO3 | Beast Infection | 2 :0 | 0ofibonaccio0 |
Daniel "DoomedDanny" Wood is a Tekken 7 player and content creator from the United States. Most known for participating at EVO 2020, Combo Breaker 2019, and Frosty Fausting XI.