Matches statistic
Matches played
25Win rate
42%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
25Win rate
42%Current streak (Old → New)
Nolan "Aqua" Miziko is an American Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player and college student from Michigan. He plays Wario, Falco, and Bayonetta and has an overall set count of 55%.
Aqua has also competed in ssbu singles and placed 49th at Midwest Arena, 65th at Holiday Heist 5 & Guardian I, 129th at Shine 2019, 193rd at Glitch 8 & CEO 2019, 257th at Pound 2019, 289th at Smash'N'Splash 5, and 385th at Frostbite 2019 & Super Smash Con 2019.
Aqua likes kicks and works at a Shoe Store. Check out his Twitter where he shares images of his latest.