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  • Alex Recchi
  • Canada

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Alex ''ALX R'' Recchi, formerly known as Paper and ALEX, is a Meta Knight player from Vaughan, Ontario. He is considered one of the best Meta Knight players in Canada and is currently ranked 3rd on the York Region Ultimate Power Rankings, with wins over Jw, Landon, Litany, VZ, and ARJAY!!!.

In Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, ALX R was also a Meta Knight player and is ranked 10th on the York Region Power Rankings.

ALX R competed and finished 2nd in The Arcadian Before Christmas, 5th in Smashurai: The Arcadian Dojo and 17th in The Revenge of the 6ix: July Arcadian. Also he competed a lot and took decent places in weekly tournaments.

You can follow ALX R on Twitter and Twitch.

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