Matches statistic
Matches played
16Win rate
71%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
16Win rate
71%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
16Win rate
71%Current streak (Old → New)
ABU is a Japanese competitive Super Smash Bros. player and manager of Team CJ Esports which was started by popular smasher CaptainJack.
Although his main character is Daisy, ABU doesn't believe there are any weak or absolutely bad characters in ssbu, just characters a player is good at handling. ABU has competed at numerous tournaments including EVO, Genesis 6, GGB Fight Club 闘会所, KVO Resort 2019, Kurobra and Umebura.
At Taipei Major 2019, he ranked 9th in the ssbu singles after battling up to the winner round quarterfinals and losers round finals against Taiwanese player, taiwanman0610.
Follow ABU on YouTube.