Xiaohai's Secret Tech Involves Hiding the Controller

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Xiaohai's Secret Tech Involves Hiding the Controller
The KoF champion was very adamant that no one sees what his hands are doing

One of the classic strategies against an opponent from time immemorial within the FGC was to look at what their hands were doing. This was a strategy that enabled the opponent to have an idea of what the opponent was trying to do. 

Interestingly, this is a practice that has continued into modern times and even on the biggest stages. 

Evo 2023 has offered up quite a few sights, but one of the more amusing ones was the sight of Evo Champion for KoF XV, Xiaohai, hiding his controller from the view of his opponents. Xiaohai had already drawn a lot of attention for using the Qanba Obsidian 2 Gold Edition, which as the name implies, is a golden fight stick. 

However, he garnered even more attention for covering up his controller with a large box whenever he had to play. 

Furthermore, the box was reportedly provided by his sponsor, Qanba

Xiaohai is not by any means the only player who does this, as this practice exists to protect players from having their moves telegraphed. 

Xiaohai has had a productive weekend once more, winning Evo after his 2014 win for King of Fighters XIII with another commanding performance against E.T. 

He also competed in Street Fighter 6 where he just crashed out shy of the top 96. But he will be able to walk away from Las Vegas with his head held high after another very good Evo performance.

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