Ultra Arcade Announce Signing Of Samuel Sickle

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Ultra Arcade Announce Signing Of Samuel Sickle
Ready to take on Killer Instinct and Street Fighter 6

Samuel Sickle, a Killer Instinct and Street Fighter 6 player has been signed up by Ultra Arcade. 

Ultra Arcade is a organization and arcade center that is based in Texas and has been on the scene for a while. The center is currently closed, but they are still operational as evidenced by the signing of Samuel.

Killer Instinct will feature at Evo 2024 even though it will not be on the main stage with that honor going to Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, but Samuel will play his JP in Street Fighter 6. With over 5000 entrants for Street Fighter 6, he will have a job on his hands to juggle two games and go very far. 

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