Twitch Teases Street Fighter Collaboration

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Twitch Teases Street Fighter Collaboration
Details of the partnership will be announced on October 7

Twitch has published a teaser of the upcoming collaboration with Street Fighter on its official Twitter account. The video is stylized as the visual of Street Fighter II. It contains a character selection screen familiar from this part of the series, where the images of fighters are replaced with various clothing items. The launch date of the collaboration is October 7th, 2022.

The launch date of the collaboration is October 7th, 2022, and we will likely see the announcement at the TwitchCon. The event will occur from October 7th to 9th at the San Diego Convention Center in California, USA. 

This announcement may also accompany a new gameplay demo of Street Fighter 6. Capcom's new project still has no release date and is expected to release in 2023. However, the closed beta testing of SF6 has already begun, and you should check your email if you applied for participation earlier.

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