The King of Fighters XV's Latest Trailer Introduces Najd

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The King of Fighters XV's Latest Trailer Introduces Najd
Source: SNK
The character should be available as DLC before the end of summer

SNK has released the debut trailer for Najd, the next additional character for The King of Fighter XV. She was introduced in The King of Fighters XIV, and now she's back with a revamped arsenal of abilities without losing most of her old umbral powers. The video also showcases her new dash attack, available even in the air, and the memorable Climax Super.

Earlier this month, it became known that attendees at Evo 2023 in Las Vegas this summer will have the opportunity to get early access to Najd. The release of the fighter is scheduled for the summer, but given that Evo will be held from August 4th to 6th, we should expect a replenishment of the roster in the middle or end of the month. 

Before the end of 2023, SNK plans to release two more unannounced fighters:

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