The Big House 11: SSBU Singles Results

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The Big House XI: SSBU Singles Results
East Coast Throwdown
In the end, that was Steve vs. Steve battle.

More than 500 players competed in the Big House 11 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles bracket. Many notable participants entered the tournament, but in the grand final, we witnessed a Steve vs. Steve mirror match. Angel "Onin" Mireles not only won a Doubles bracket a day earlier but also managed to win a singles tournament, first resetting a grand final against Syrup and then defeating him with 3:1, 3:2 sets.

This tournament in Detroit, Michigan, might bring some more opinions about the Steve controversy. As one of the replies mentioned: "Shoutouts to all 8 of the people that stuck around for an iconic dlc 2 finals". Despite the obvious sarcasm, the problem is not solved, so we expect more discussions and actions around it.

As for the top-8 of the Big House 11, it looks like this:

  • 1. Onin
  • 2. Syrup
  • 3. Wrath
  • 4. IcyMist
  • 5. Mr. E and SHADIC
  • 7. loaf and Doorstop

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