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Tekken 8 Yoshimitsu Guide by TrizzyTheRapper

Tekken 8 Yoshimitsu Guide by TrizzyTheRapper

Elizbar Ramazashvili
4 min

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Embrace the weird!

Tekken 8 has been out for quite some time already, and the popularity doesn’t seem to be dropping. We love to collaborate with the pro players for the character guides, so today, our guest is TrizzyTheRapper, who will teach us how to be weirdness incarnate as Yoshimitsu!


Yoshimitsu in Tekken 8 is best played as keep-out. Keep it as fundamental as possible. Memorize all the technical stuff that works consistently, apply it whenever you have a chance, and you will definitely have success with Yoshimitsu.

Best Buttons

  • ff3+4 – great launcher, but beatable by sidestepping.

  • df2 – borderline impossible to whiff punish. 

  • db1+2, 1(2) – his infamous Poison Breath, not whiff punishable either.

  • FC df4 – another great keepout tool

  • df1 – nice range and you can frame-trap people. Has followups that can launch on counterhits.

  • WR3 – a new move in Tekken 8, great to annoy people. Plus on block and allows for Manji Dragonfly mixups.

  • db3,3 – great low. Do a 4 as a followup for some pushback on block.

  • 3,4 – nice by itself, but also goes into the Manji Dragonfly stance.

  • 1,1 – your basic 10-frame punisher. 

  • 2,2 – a new move that allows for a ub1+2 extension, and there’s nothing the opponent can do about it.

  • df1,4 – your 13-frame punish. Great range.

  • b2,2 – incredible range, your best whiff punisher, and a Heat Engager. 

  • 3,1 – another way to enter the Manji Dragonfly stance for its mixups.

  • f1+2 – a normal hit launcher in Heat.

  • b2,2 – another launcher in Heat, but don’t use it in neutral as it’s launch-punishable.

Offense and Defense

It’s not that hard to start your offense with Yoshimitsu. You can make Tekken 8 a single-player game for yourself. Yoshimitsu’s spin tool allows you to essentially cheat your way out of any 50/50 situation. Just be mindful of your health, as the move damages you. Flash, his 1+4, also does that to any 50/50 situation. This is when you can begin your own obnoxious offense. 


Normal Combos:

  • Df2 or Uf3 or Db1+2,1 (Poison) > 3,1 > DGF2 > DGF2,4b > D2,2,2
  • Df2 or Uf3 or Db1+2,1 (Poison) > 3,1 > DGF2 > DGF2,4b > KIN2, 1+2* (Hold)
  • FCDF4 > Ws4 > D2,2b > Df1,2,1 > Dash > Ssr > 1+4 > Dash > D2,2
  • 4~3 > 3~(4) > DGF2,2 > DGF2,4b > D2,2,2
  • 4~3 > 3~(4) > DGF2,2 > DGF2,4b > KIN2, 1+2* (Hold)
  • Ss1 > D2,2b > Df1 > D2,2,2 > Dash > Ssr > 1+4 > Dash > D2,2

Wall Combos:

  • Df2 > 3,1 > DGF2 > DGF2,4b > D2,2,2 > W! > 3,2,1+2* (Delay)

Meter Combos:

  • F1+2f or B2,2f > 3,1 > DGF2,2d > D2,2b > D2,2,2 > D2,2
  • F1+2f or B2,2f > 3,1 > DGF2,2d > D2,2b > KIN2, 1+2* (Hold)

Floor Break Combos:

  • Uf1+2 > Ss1 > D2,2,2 > Ff1+2 > Db1
  • DGF3+4 > Ss1 > D2,2b > Df1,2,1 > Dash > Ssr > 1+4 > Dash > D2,2


Yoshimitsu is a strong character in Tekken 8, definitely in the top half power-wise. Keep-out game is definitely his biggest strength, and he also is an amazing panic-button user. But he has pretty bad tracking, and his keep-out gameplay is quite volatile in general.

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