Street Fighter 6 Outfit 3 Patch Added New Voice Lines for Commentators

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Street Fighter 6 Outfit 3 Patch Added New Voice Lines for Commentators
The outfit 3 patch brought a raft of changes including some updated lines for the commentators

A lot of the talk surrounding the latest patch for Street Fighter 6 has been around the new costumes, but also the prices around them with each costume costume costing 300 fighter coins and when put together, the consumer will need to pay over $100 to cop all the costumes.

But, what was overlooked were some of the cool new changes that were also added including one involving the in-game commentary. 

Vicious and Tasty Steve are the English in-game commentators and in the new patch they have additional lines to make gameplay more lively. They have lines that encourage the player, lines regarding rematches, game over, and a few other scenarios in the fight. 

An X (formerly Twitter) user, jick_d compiled all the changes made into a video which is very good.

For some reason, Capcom have not announced anything about this change through an official channels. 

You can give the lines a listen below. 

Some of the other changes made to the game include a feature which lets you see the name of ID of a player who rage quits. It would be interesting to see how this will affect the practise in future. 

With outfit three now available, fans will now look towards the next DLC character, Ed, who will be released early next year on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

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