Street Fighter 6 Director Reveals Sean Matsuda's Whereabouts

Femi Famutimi
2 min

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Street Fighter 6 Producer Reveals Sean Matsuda's Wherabouts
Seems the boy is all grown up

Street Fighter 6 Director, Takayuki Nakayama, has commented on the status of Sean Matsuda in the world of Street Fighter 6. 

Sean was a character first introduced in Street Fighter III where he was a popular character before disappearing and only showing up in Street Fighter V as a non-playable character and the wimpy brother of Laura Matsuda. 

Some sections of the game's fanbase had wondered if Sean would ever make a return and Nakayama's comments certainly open the door for such a possibility. 

Speaking in the Street Fighter 6 World Guide, Nakayama commented on an illustration depicting Luke, Bosch and Sean having a meal, saying, "In the illustration, Luke, Bosch and Jamie are joined for dinner by Sean. ...We wanted to create a situation where Sean stopped by Luke's place when he came to visit Metro City.

"Furthermore, Sean is depicted as having grown up since 'SFIII', so it would be nice if people thought that Sean was not missing and that he was still around in the world."

With Street Fighter 3 canonically coming after Street Fighter V, it does make sense that Sean shows up as an older, wiser fighter who is more than ready to take on the challenges of the modern world. 

In the story, Sean was an apprentice to Ken, who did not want the young upstart in the first place, but warmed to him later. He was a strong pick in Street Fighter III: Second Impact, but was sadly relegated to Dan Hibiki, joke character status in Street Fighter III: Third Strike.

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