Soulcalibur VI Joins Lineup of FightsGiving 2023

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Soulcalibur VI Joins the Line-Up of FightsGiving 2023
The community has voted!

This fighting games event happens on November 18, in Fresno, California. FightsGiving 2023 highlights three games — two of them are the newest and most popular at the moment, Street Fighter 6 and Mortal Kombat 1. How on the Earth has Soulcalibur joined this lineup?

We at DashFight love SC6, and we are super glad to feel the same feelings from other people in the FGC. FightsGiving 2023 organized voting to pick up the third title, with such options as DBFZ, GGST, T7, and KOF XV. But nope, people have voted for Soulcalibur VI

FightsGiving 2023  has a few other, non-fighting games. More info are in this tweet:

It feels like Soulcalibur has one of the most dedicated communities. Even at such a stage of its lifespan, the game is present at many esports events, even as a community tournament. For instance, we could witness SC6 at East Coast Throwdown 2023.

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