Not along ago, SNK revealed that the 5th character in the latest Fighter Pass will be none other than Duo Lon, and now it's finally time to see how he actually plays.
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Become a PatronNot along ago, SNK revealed that the 5th character in the latest Fighter Pass will be none other than Duo Lon, and now it's finally time to see how he actually plays.
All the staples are back. Duo Lon is a threat even at longer ranges thanks to his stretching and warping limbs, as he can literally disintegrate parts of his body and make them reappear elsewhere. The evasive teleports are back as well, allowing him to dodge attacks or even create confusing left/right mixups. He doesn't seem to have the afterimage install from some of the older games, but his kit overall seems to be robust nonetheless.
SNK have also clearly put some effort into making his attacks look good. The deathly skull smoke looks incredible in motion, and his climax super is incredibly satisfying.
You can expect to see Duo Lon in the game on September 12, coming alongside a balance update. This leaves just one last character for the current fighter pass, expect to see them some time this winter!
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