Red Bull Kumite Back In April

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Red Bull Kumite Back In April
For its 10th anniversary, it will return to its home in France

The historic Red Bull Kumite will be returning for its 10th anniversary this year with a return to its roots in France. 

The tournament has been incredible and as an invitational has been able to get some of the best players to showcase their skills and excite the crowd like none other. 

In a post on social media, it was announced that the tournament will return in April from the 5th to the 6th and will take place in Paris, France. 

The format seems like it will be a little different with 8 legends taking on 8 'underdogs'. 

The definition of either of those terms is unclear, but it is likely we'll get more information about which players will be gracing the stage in Paris very soon. 

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