Punk And Tachikawa Go Back And Forth On Terry Bogard Leaderboard

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Punk And Tachikawa Go Back And Forth On Terry Bogard Leaderboard
Players are scrambling for who is the top

As is now custom, the release of a new character usually means top players are trying to get to the top of the leaderboard for that character, and with Terry's release, it has been the same. 

Top players like Punk from the USA, Tachikawa and Kakeru from Japan, have been quick to use the character to the highest levels in the game. 

This also usually leads to some light-hearted banter as players challenge each other to earn enough MR points to topple them at the top of the table. For Terry, the battle seems to be between Tachikawa and Punk who have both taken to social media to challenge one another. 

Tachikawa was on top and the highest ranked Terry, until Punk came to overtake him and taunted him to get off gacha games and face Street Fighter 6. 

The banter has all been in good fun and Punk has already shown proficiency with the character by placing second at the latest TNS tournament with Terry, only losing to Dual Kevin's Rashid in Grand Final. 

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