Phenom Shows Off Crazy Ken Throw Loop In Street Fighter 6

Femi Famutimi
2 min

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Phenom Shows Off Crazy Ken Throw Loop In Street Fighter 6
The Ken downplayer is being a menace in Japan

Arman "Phenom" Hanjani is currently in Japan where he went for the FAV Cup which held between the 29th and 30th of December 2023. There he formed a team with AngryBird and Big Bird to compete in the team tournament. 

Since then, the three have been taking in the sights, mingling with the local FGC and having a good time in general in the far east. 

Phenom has been going around asking top Japanese players who the top 5 characters in the game are in a bid to prove that his main character, Ken, is not in the upper echelons of the game's tier list. He has been fairly successful as several of the top players did not have Ken in the top 5. 

He has also taken the time to play a lot with the Japanese FGC and it was during one of these matches that he showed off an insane throw loop against none other than Kakeru. 

In a clip he shared on X, Phenom started the round with a Drive Rush into crouching heavy punch, before doing another poke and then executing a grab. He Drive Rushed again and did a throw. By this time, Kakeru was in the corner where Phenom proceeded to do six more throws with the last one ending the round in his favour. Kakeru didn't tech, and just kept getting hit with the throws. 

Phenom does enjoy his throw loops and is perhaps most popular for doing it to Daigo Umehara in 2016 at Canada Cup. There, using Necali, he kept grabbing Daigo until he won the round. It seems Kakeru fell victim to it this time. 

Phenom will be at Capcom Cup which holds next month and his time in Japan is an excellent training camp for him as he aims to win the whopping $1 million available to the winner. 

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