New Footage of Marisa, Zangief, Lily, and Cammy Released by Capcom

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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New Footage of Marisa, Zangief, Lily, and Cammy Released by Capcom
The four new characters are all seen in this short video

Street Fighter 6 has released its latest real-time commentator in the person of Japanese actress Hikaru Takahashi. She joins a rather diverse cast of commentators that has so far featured some of the biggest names in fighting game casting, along with other surprising individuals like Zelina Vega and Demon Kakka

She will be the last making it eight casters in total, and the diversity in the persons and backgrounds really makes the game feel accessible not only to fighting game veterans, but people coming into the space for the first time.

While this in itself was a great announcement, what really caught people's eye was the gameplay footage which featured two fights, one between Cammy and Lily and the other between Zangief and Marisa.

SF6 trailer

The interactions between the characters were of great interest to most people, especially the Marisa/Zangief match. Easily the two largest characters, and having them face off against one another was really exciting to see, but we even got a few gameplay clues, like how Marisa's level 3 super can act as an anti-air.

Also, the final shot of Marisa's super looked slightly different with Zangief as his face looked much more crushed than the other characters. 

Street Fighter 6 is one course to be released on June 2nd, 2023, and from what we have seen so far, it looks like it will be a hit with fans. 

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