MultiVersus & McDonald's Happy Meal Promotion Goes Live on Belgium

Sebastian Quintanilla
1 min

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MultiVersus & McDonald's Happy Meal Promotion Goes Live on Belgium
We Knew the Game was making a return for this year, but who could've seen this coming first?

MultiVersus has been under closed-door development for nearly half a year now, but with the recent news that fans should expect more MVS in early 2024, the one thing none was expecting was for there to be a cross-promotion with McDonald's.

What started as rumors quickly became news, with Belgian McDonald's featuring the collectible cards with the MVS characters available with the purchase of a Happy Meal. One MVS player from the country posted on X(Twitter) what the stand for the promotion looks like:

Surprisingly, there has been no official posting across McDonald's, Multiversus, or WEB Games accounts, even outside of X(Twitter), with both companies currently boycotting. The Belgian MacDonald's Family page is the only official information so far. Adding to the oddness, there are official ads being run, as spotted by Reddit users in the MultiVersus subreddit.

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