Mortal Kombat 11 Players Comment on Their Groups at WUFL Season 1

Elizbar Ramazashvili
16 min

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MK Players Comment on Their Groups at WUFL Season 1
Absolute confidence across the board

The time has come, the gong has been struck. WePlay Ultimate Fighting League Season 1 is upon us. The first of the tournaments taking place in Kyiv is the Mortal Kombat 11 one. All the players were divided into groups A and B, and both look extremely stacked.

We asked each of the participants about the groups they have been placed into, and gathered all their responses in this article.

Group A:


I’m pretty confident I can beat everybody. My prediction on making it out of the group – me, obviously, Kombat is another one, and A F0xy Grampa is another one. Honestly, the last spot could be a toss-up. I think it can be TheMightyUnjust or ArnKratos. As good as Unjust is, I think I like ArnKratos over him. But things surprise me, let’s see what happens.

I don’t have any secret tech. The person I know the most is Kombat, we were training partners. It can be very close, or I might take some mults, or he might take some mults, we just know each other. It should be really fun actually. That might go either way. For all the other matches, I'm pretty confident I can overcome them.

Stay tuned to see some punishments!

A F0xy Grampa:

I think SonicFox is a fair pick, and I think the rest of it is a toss-up. Honestly, that’s how it’s going to be. Kombat is another pick. VideoGamezYo – I think he is another reasonable pick. But anyone could make it through, really. It depends on who is the biggest scumbag at the moment. I can’t deny my own scumbaggery. I’m just here to rob people. It’s not about winning, it’s about denying others’ victory.
I’m not really preparing for someone in particular. They are probably more worried about me than I’m about them.



Predictions for my group are SonicFox, me, and A F0xy Grampa. I’ve been preparing especially for SonicFox. They often use Joker, and I don’t like playing this matchup. But I’m always ready. 

With Sub-Zero, I will deal additional damage with Crushing Blow. I didn’t use this at Dragon Temple, but this time, I’m ready. 

I’m looking forward to playing against F0xy and Tekken Master. It’s time to get revenge for Dragon Temple.

It’s a big pleasure to be here. Huge shout-out to James Banks for this tournament – it’s a good opportunity for me to show the Brazilian power.


You’d have to take SonicFox for the first place. They’re the best in our game. Every time they play offline it’s like they’re a completely different player. So in terms of who’s making out, SonicFox is guaranteed. Then you’d have to take A F0xy Grampa. He’s been around for so long and he’s so consistent in his play, so I just have to pick him. I’m confident in myself, so I’ll also take myself. And for the last spot… I haven’t watched ArnKratos a lot, I’ve heard that Konqueror249 and The MightyUnjust are solid, and 2eZ is also good. I think the last spot is a tossup between who plays the best during the game day.

In terms of preparation, I started playing again a week ago after taking a break. I’ve played against SonicFox a lot in tournaments, so I know how they play. I don’t look forward to facing anyone in particular, I’m ready to fight anyone. If I win – I win. If I lose – that’s my fault.

Everyone here is really sweaty. I’ve seen everyone play, and they all play really good right now. At the end of the day, you just play how you play. If you make it — you know your time and work paid off. If you don’t — you just find your mistakes and try to get better. Good luck to everyone. I hope I make it and you guys don’t.


Both groups are stacked, but group A has a lot of heavy hits. With someone I haven’t played in tournaments before, so it’s gonna be very interesting. We have people like SonicFox who have been dominating for a very, very long time, Kombat, F0xy. There definitely will be interesting sets in Group A. As for the predictions, I would say SonicFox is gonna go very far, F0xy is gonna go very far, and I’m very confident I’m going very far. Honestly, I can’t say for sure who is going to make it to the top four.

I really can’t wait to fight Sonic. I never fought Sonic before, and this is going to be the first time at a tournament. I haven’t been preparing for anyone specific. I’ve been just playing generally, trying to get my game on point, playing a lot before I came here and playing a lot when I’ve arrived. 

You don’t know what to expect sometimes. People can be completely random. They can bring out something I’ve never seen before. Sonic, for example, can play anyone, so they can pick anyone against me. F0xy just wants to make me mad and throw the controller.

Shout-out to Ellure.


It's a really solid group. My predictions are that I feel SonicFox and A F0xy Grampa are definitely making it out. There are two more spots, and I think those two spots can go to anybody just because of the sheer talent in this group. Everyone is very talented. So we'll just need to see who plays the best on the game day.

I did my preparations mainly for SonicFox and A F0xy Grampa, those two are the main focus. I also did a lot of homework on VideoGamezYo, because I have never played him before. I’ve been doing a lot of research on him, his characters, his playstyle. I’ve played against TheMightyUnjust a lot. I’ve also played against Kombat. He’s had a big competitive break, so let’s see how he does for his comeback. Who else? Konqueror249, the Brazilian guy. We played some casuals the other day and he looks very strong. He has a couple of other characters coming. It comes down to whoever plays the best. Everyone has the potential to make the top-4.

Make sure to follow out all my socials. Also, check out my sponsors – GAEMS and THE TAR PIT CLUB. Shout out to the Pittsburgh Knights, my organization. They're taking care of me really well. Hopefully, I'm gonna put on a good show for everyone. I want to play my best.


It’s hard to tell who’ll make it to the top four. All 16 of us are the best in the world, so it can be any of us. Obviously, I am coming out, SonicFox and Kombat are coming out. ArnKratos is amazing, 2eZ is amazing. Everybody here is amazing. It’s really hard to pick.

I’ve been definitely preparing for SonicFox. They grind every match, so it will be the hardest one in my opinion. I have my pick in mind, but I don’t want to share.

Just don’t count me out. Most people see me as an online player, but I think I’ve proven myself to be one of the best in the world.


Both groups are very strong, with many very strong players. Group A will be the most interesting for me, even if I think Group B is a bit stronger. SonicFox will definitely be first in Group A, 100%. They’ve proven with their whole career that offline they are number one in the world. Kombat takes the second slot, in my opinion – he’s been demonstrating consistent play for a very long time, and his level is always impressive. And I certainly want to be among the top four players. I’m ready, and hopefully, I’ll do this. Also, I would say A F0xy Grampa. And probably Konqueror249, he's a very good player.

It’s not a secret that I mostly play one character, but I’ve been playing against all the other fighters a lot, so I know their features. I’ve been preparing individually for each player, analyzing various moments that will be able to help me win.

I want to thank everyone who supports us – I mean our players and also the viewers who root for us. Thank you very much!

Group B:

Tekken Master:

I think Hayatei, Dragon, and Rewind might make it to the top four. The fight for the first place will be between me and Biohazard. 

I’ve been preparing mainly for the top-tier characters because most of the players attending here are picking them up. They take the best characters in the game, so I have to be prepared for them.

Beast from the Middle East is prepared for proceeding to playoffs.


I’m gonna make it out from the group. I’m always confident that I will beat everyone, but everyone can beat me too. So I try not to be overconfident. I think four that will make it through the group stage are me, Tekken Master, Hayatei… And the last one is a tossup. Biohazard is a wild card. He could make a lot of great sets, but he could also not play well at the same time, he is a tossup. I would say Rewind is a safe choice.

My preparation for this tournament has been to play a lot. I played maybe 8-10 hours per day, a week or two before the tournament. I also studied every single player at the tournament, watched old matches, I have spreadsheets – their habits, playstyles, things like that. That’s my preparation. And I’ve been grinding since I’ve got here, keep going. I’m ready, I feel confident.

Be prepared to see a lot of torpedoes.


Everybody in the group is pretty good, so it’s hard to tell who will do good or who won’t. It’s really hard to make a good prediction, but if I have to, I think Dragon, Tekken Master, and Rewind will make it to the top four.

I’ve been preparing for most people here. And most people play kind of the same thing. Of course, MK_Azerbaijan joined last minute, so I didn’t have time to get prepared for him. But other than that, a lot of people are playing similar things, and I’m prepared for most of them.

Fujin God teiChamp


For the top four in my group... I’ve got myself, Dragon, Tekken Master, and Hayatei.

I’ve been preparing for... probably Dragon because of his character, as she requires a lot of time to beat. She is the strongest in the game.

I haven’t been preparing something special. I’m just coming in. I’ve been training, nothing special.

I'm really just trying to get the bag and dip.


My predictions for the top four in my group are gonna be myself, Tekken Master, Dragon, and Rewind. As long as I play good, I definitely make it out.

I don’t really like to prepare for one single person at events like this. Typically, I like to prepare for everyone. When you are into things like the group stage, you have to play at least seven people. So if you’ve come and are looking for one person to play, they might not be in your group. Or you beat that person and have to play against other people. You have to win at least four games to make it out of the group. That’s why I don’t like to be focused on one person but prefer to be prepared for everyone. It’s always nice to beat top players like SonicFox, Dragon, Kombat, Rewind. But the goal is to gain first place, so it doesn’t matter unless you have beaten all of them.

It’s nice to have the UK scene at this event. We have three top UK players here: me, A F0xy Grampa, and VideoGamezYo. The UK scene as a whole has got better. It’s nice to have more players than just F0xy at such events.


I think it's gonna be a really challenging group stage, which is crazy. Before we found out who is going to be in the groups, I actually played three long sets with three of the players in that group, and after we found out - wow, there are a lot of things that we know about each other from playing. So, it’s gonna be very interesting for mind games. Dragon, Hayatei, and Tekken Master - I’m really excited to fight all of them and just see what is going to be on the table for the tournament.

As for my predictions, Tekken Master, as the champion of WePlay Dragon Temple, is very strong, and has a very good knowledge of so many characters. He definitely will be the hardest opponent to fight. He knows my character very well, and he knows how to deal with him pretty efficiently. I believe Dragon will also be up there too, being one of the well-known defensive players. And I think it's a toss-up between Hayatei and Rewind to be up there. I want myself to be in that top four, so I don’t want to think about the possibility of not being there, and I definitely gonna work for it.

I want to say thank you to all the fans who support me. I’m gonna give you a great show and hope you can learn something from this tournament. Live in the moment with me.


My predictions for the group – obviously, I’m gonna make it out. And I think Hayatei is probably gonna make it out as well because he’s been bodying a lot of people from what I heard. It’s so hard to choose because there is Tekken Master, Dragon, Grr, and Rewind. There are some really strong guys in my group. I would probably go with Dragon and Tekken Master.

I’m using a lot of Kano and a lot of different variations, moves, and stuff with him. For the most part, I’ve been playing Snake Bite and Lumbar Check, but for some matchups, like Hayatei...  His character doesn’t allow me to play that kind of character, I need to mix it up and switch the special moves. For him, I'm gonna go with a different build of Kano. But for the most part, my main version of Kano will be pretty good at dealing with everybody else.

You know me, you know #KanoNation is here to destroy stuff.


My predictions for Group B are most definitely Rewind, Dragon, Tekken Master, and of course, MK_Azerbaijan. 

I haven’t prepared anything at all because I was invited at the last moment. I'll stick to my knowledge.

Expect some Down 3, Down 3, Down 3, Down 3, Down 3, fatal blow.

It's evident that each and every one of these extraordinary players are very confident and ready to take on anyone. The schedule and the pairing for the Pocket Team Clash have already been revealed – you can check them here.

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