More Details Released About SFL USA Combine Tournament

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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More Details Released About SFL USA Combine Tournament
Details on how players can qualify have been outlined

Capcom have put forward a website where interested parties in partaking in Street Fighter League USA will have a chance to be scouted and picked. 

In a post which clarified their earlier tease about the matter, they announced that registration for the regions listed is now available for those interested. 

You can sign up here, which takes you to a page and lists out the tournaments and their dates.

These tournaments are going to take place really soon and will run between the 12th and 21st of August 2024. 

There will be three categories of players eligible for SFL USA:

  • Team Captains
  • Those who qualified for Capcom Cup X
  • Anyone who makes top 16 in any of the regional combines. 

The tournaments provide a platform for little known players or players who are typically unable to travel, to shine. 

It is unclear if the four-man team will have to be made up of at least one of the three categories, or if teams are free to pick as they please. 

The teams for SFL USA are yet to be announced, so it is unclear which teams will be competing or how many of them will play. This is considering that SFL Japan now has 12 teams, so there is a possibility that the USA might also expand their league teams. 

The Street Fighter League USA will take place soon, with no exact date set forth. 

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