Momochi Shows Off Mai 'Dream' Combo

Femi Famutimi
2 min

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Momochi Shows Off Mai 'Dream' Combo
The former Evo winner already showing great promise with the new character

Momochi is a fighting game player considered a genius due to his ability to break down Street Fighter and grab an innate understanding of how a character works. He has a way of working with new character, showing off his proficiency when he used Rashid, a character that came out only 3 weeks earlier, and got into the last 16 of Evo. 

He was also very proficient with Ed creating the the 'dream' combo that is now commonly used with Ed's level 2 super to carry the opponent to the corner. With that character he was able to make the top 8 of Evo in 2024 and was very close to qualifying for Capcom Cup. 

With the release of Mai Shiranui, he is back at it again, taking hold of the character and creating what he has called another 'dream' combo. 

With the opponent stunned with DI, he made use of her level 1 before unleashing a torrent of hits which he used to build back the meter used and then went straight into level 3 to take the opponent to the brink of death.

While the combo itself was pretty impressive, people were quick to point out that using 4 bars and so many hits was still incapable of ending the opponent's life bar from less than half health, was an indicator that the character's damage might not be what is required in the game. 

Again, it is probably still too early to conclude on how useful the character can be as she has been out for just about a week and there might be someone who would pick up the character and do wonders with her. 

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