MenaRD Weighs In On Old School Vs New School Street Fighter Debate

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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MenaRD Weighs In On Old School Vs New School Street Fighter Debate
Mena was as measured as ever in his analysis

The debate between old school fighting game players and fans and the new school has dragged on for ages. On one side, older gamers believe that newer fighting games are a lot more accessible meaning that newer players aren't battled hardened as the older generation of players. 

On the other side, newer players aver that the level of competition is at the highest level and the ability to stay consistent is nearly impossible. 

Two-time Capcom Cup winner, MenaRD weighed in on the matter in a tweet explaining that newer players are able to understand older games than the other way around. He added that if he dedicated the time to older games, he can get as good as some of the classics. 

The conversation seems to have kicked off from a podcast hosted by Chris Tartarian where he spoke to Ryan Hart who stated that newer games are easier and in a sense this means there are more people in the competitive space. This sparked the old row between the old school and new school. 

Mena's point seems to be that both generations are great players and there should be a mutual respect for what each side has achieved. But, with the influx of more money in the space, and more tournaments and more regions, making it to the very top is harder than ever. 

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