King of Fighters XV Team South Town Patch Notes Released

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King of Fighters XV Team South Town Patch Notes Released
The team of iconic KoF characters will drop alongside a massive balance adjustment

The much-awaited South Town team with Geese Howard, Ryoji Yamazaki, and Billy Kane is right around the corner. As many have expected, this team comes with a rather significant patch that contains many balance adjustments and general improvements.

Some highlights from this new update:

General Changes

  1. Rollback performance improved
  2. More training mode functions
  3. Lower part of the jump hurtbox will now be invulnerable to projectiles
  4. Crouching light kick of every character had its damage, stun frames and guard crash damage cut by half
  5. Special inputs are now more lenient and will accept button press made 1f before the last directional input
  6. Perfoming an Instant Block will now reward you with 20 Power Gauge points instead of 10

Balance Changes

  1. The infamous Vanessa/Ralph/Terry team got hit with nerfs. Vanessa in particular receiving various nerf that should make it harder for her to do high damage meterless combos.
  2. Weaker characters who were underperforming, like Ryo, Whip, Yori, Ash, Yashiro, and Shermie got some good buffs that should make them noticeably stronger.

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