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King of Fighter XV Will Receive More Characters

2 min

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King of Fighter XV Will Receive More Characters
The fire is still burning!

Hello and welcome! Rooflemongers interview with SNK's Yasuyuki Oda starts as any other video, but then immediately dives into a question that KoF fans are so eager to know the answer to. What is the future for KoFXV?

Surprisingly enough, while most developers would go with a vague PR answer, Oda outright states that the fire is still burning and that the game will receive more characters in the future. When exactly? We'll know that later, but for now it's nice to just have the confirmation.

Despite the interviews being focused on the upcoming Fatal Fury game, Rooflemonger also managed to casually confirm that SNK already has plans for the next King of Fighters game. To be entirely fair, it's not quite as much of a surprise, there are 15 games already, and that's without counting spin-offs, so as long as there is SNK, it's safe to say there will always be KoF.

However, it's interesting that SNK's plan with reviving their older series is to familiarize the audience with the classics, because originally, KoF was sort of an all-star affair. A fighting game that takes all those other SNK IPs and puts them head to head. Yet, at this point, KoF is far more popular and well known than any of them, but this should change once Fatal Fury and a new Art of Fighting come out, prepping the players for the next generation of KoF.

You can check out the full interview below, it's well worth a watch!

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