Kilzyou Proves Manon Might Be A Broken Character

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Kilzyou Proves Manon Might Be A Broken Character
The French grappler might be a secret top tier

French prodigy, Kilzyou, has stated that he believes Manon is a top-tier character. This is at the very least, a controversial statement as it has long been mooted that Manon is low tier. This has a lot to do with her somewhat lackluster level one, unreliable anti-airs, and the need to rely on her medals to get things going in a set. 

However, Kilzyou, in a post made on the 9th of April, stated that he would take the character to Master Rate 2100 to prove that she was good. This is even with the fact that Manon is not his primary character (it's Juri). 

He made good on his promise as he shared a screenshot of the character at over 2100 MR and in Legend Rank and he captioned that people should stop downplaying the character. 

There are only 12 Manons in Legend rank with 8 of them being Japanese and the others being Joey from North America, Randumb from Germany, Sunhui from China, and Kilzyou. 

Whether this proves Manon is top tier or not is up for debate, but it is interesting to see that a player like Kilzyou who doesn't have Manon as a main can have her in legend rank ahead of the likes of iDom and Luffy. 

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