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Japanese Pros Bemoan The Scourge That Is Zangief

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Japanese Pros Bemoan The Scourge That Is Zangief
Zangief is making a lot of people unhappy

Zangief has entered Street Fighter 6 season 2 as one of the top characters in the game. This has pleased and infuriated people in equal measure as his ability to kill opponents in a couple of grabs is more dangerous than ever. 

Even Japanese players are not immune as a humorous back and forth by pro players Haitani and Nemo proved. 

Haitani posted a tweet where he wondered whether those who considered Nemo to be raving mad when he warned about how problematic a buffed Zangief would be, still think he is being unreasonable. 

Nemo responded saying that he had been sounding the alarm but no one listened. 

European players are also complaining with Mystic Smash, a top UK player, saying that while not a person who complains much, they feel like if they had to choose between season 1 JP and Luke, and season 2 Zangief, they'd prefer Luke and JP every time. 

While developers added a small nerf to Zangief's standing MK, it has not slowed the character down at all. 

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