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It’s a Season of Hot Fights and Bright Rewards in Brawlhalla

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It’s a Season of Hot Fights and Bright Rewards in Brawlhalla
Pic Source: Brawlhalla on YouTube
The game invites you to a new ranked season and to the Heatwave 2022 event.

If you waited for a reason to actively jump into Brawlhalla fights, it’s a very good moment for this right now. The platformer fighting game has started a new online ranked season. That means your online rank will be reset, and you will have fresh chances to play against strong players — every competitive season starts with Soft Elo Reset that decreases the rank of top-level competitors and kind of mixes everyone in online matchmaking. Are you ready to enjoy the fruits of your dedicated practice?

Also, Brawlhalla is now filled with new exclusive skins of Heatwave 2022. Visit Mallhalla and check out new seasonal items — what would you get for your awesome inventory?

Don’t forget that we are in the middle of Brawlhalla Battle Pass Season 6. Are you close to unlocking Fangwild’s Heart Ember?

If you look for ways to improve your game skills, don’t miss streams of pro tournaments — for example, Brawlhalla Summer Championship 2022. You will absorb many great tricks to then use in your own matches. And also, every official stream gives the viewers excellent rewards.

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