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Hit Box Provides Update Regarding New CPT Rules

Femi Famutimi
2 min

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Hit Box Provides Update Regarding New CPT Rules
Hit Box have followed up on their last statement regarding the change of rule for the 2023 CPT

Controller manufacturer, Hit Box, has come out with another statement regarding the rule change for the Capcom Pro Tour 2023 season.

Recall that Capcom put out a statement in which they announced that they would be changing the rules regarding some leverless controllers. You can read more about that here, but, the main thrust of the statement was that from now on, UP + DOWN = Neutral as opposed to UP + DOWN = UP. This caused a lot of worries within the community and Hit Box released an initial statement where they said that they would observe proceedings while at the same time standing behind their current product. 

In a new statement, they have clarified their view stating that they have no plans to abandon their customers and that there is, in fact, a firmware update that will enable compliance with Capcom's new rule. 

They added that they believe that this new firmware will make their controllers even better, although, they were minded to insist on the high quality of their current controllers, which are not in compliance with Capcom's new rule. 

They stressed that their primary concern is their consumers and that they would like to test the new firmware more rigorously before rolling it out for consumers to use. It is expected that they will have something to put out by the time CPT season begins. 

This was a swift move by them, and it seems clear at this point, that leverless controllers are going nowhere and that there is a lot less to worry about regarding the rule change than people initially felt. 

It has even been speculated that the more neutral SOCD (Simultaneous Opposing Cardinal Directions) for the Hit Box might even introduce new challenges in Street Fighter 6 as some moves that were impossible could now possibly be carried out with a more neutral Hit Box.

It remains to be seen if there will be any more developments, but you can rest assured that if there are, we'll be here to let you know about them.

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