Higuchi To Leave SS Kumamoto

Femi Famutimi
3 min

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Higuchi Leaves SS Kumamoto
The most popular Guile in Japan will now find another organization

One of the top players in Japan, Higuchi, has announced that he will be leaving his current team, Saishunkan Sol Kumamoto. 

Higuchi has been a fixture with the team for a while now leading them to high placements at Street Fighter League, although he has yet to win it. He has also placed high in a lot of tournaments, narrowly missing out on Capcom Cup this year after finishing in second place to Kakeru. He has also been a very consistent performer. 

In a statement, SS Kumamoto announced Higuchi's departure:

"We are pleased to announce that SS Kumamoto will terminate Higuchi's player contract at the end of March 2025. It's been three seasons since I joined.

"Higuchi was loved by many people, saved the team on many occasions, and was an inspiring player. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your achievements and contributions during your tenure."

Higuchi also followed up with a much longer statement of his own:

"Higuchi has now decided to leave SS Kumamoto and pursue his career in a new environment. I am overwhelmed with many emotions, but the one I feel most strongly about is gratitude. I joined SS Kumamoto from Shinobiism Gaming in May 2022. I was a little nervous about leaving the team I had been with for a long time and going to a new team, but the owner, Nemo-san, Morao-san, the manager, the staff, and everyone I was involved with welcomed me so kindly that my anxiety quickly disappeared. I am so grateful to have been able to work in such a comfortable environment.

"Thanks to all of your support, I was able to grow as a player and as a person. Thank you so much for watching over a person who requires a lot of care.

"The three years have flown by in a flash, and it feels like just the other day that I came to Kumamoto for the first time. I still vividly remember the many events and competitions and am filled with fond memories of how much fun I had. I am happy and proud to have been able to work with such a wonderful team. There is only one month left, but I will continue to work hard as a member of SS Kumamoto until the very end.

"We will continue our activities in the future, so we would be very grateful if you would continue to support us

"Once again, thank you so much for all your help over the past 3 years! I love SS Kumamoto! 🧸"

Higuchi will represent the team till the end of March before looking elsewhere. 

Higuchi really came to prominence first in Shinobism gaming, where he trained under Momochi before leaving for SS Kumamoto in 2022. There he really flourished and was something of the soul of the team. 

SS Kumamoto is now left with Nemo, who is also the co-owner of the organization. Shuto had already left the team to join Crazy Raccoon earlier in 2024. This significantly weakens the team, and it'll be interesting to see who they pick up for Street Fighter League. 

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