Higuchi, who represents Saishunkan Sol Kumamoto, was the winner of the Legendus Street Fighter 6 tournament along with his disciple, Donpisha.
The duo were unstoppable in the tournament, taking first place in the preliminaries, and then defeating team Ryu, team Zangief, and team Luke to be crowned champions. The format involved a priliminary stage where each team, made up of a master and disciple, play each other and get points on the board. Then, the top team will be able to choose their next opponent in a top 8, single elimination bracket.
Higuchi and Donpisha took the top spot in the preliminary with 25 points and then defeated Mago, Jr. and Bonchan's team.
The other masters were
- Mago - Ryu
- Bonchan - Luke
- Naruo - Jamie
- Haitani - Chun li
- Shuto - Marisa
- Kazunoko - Cammy
- Jr. - Zangief