Free Ed Skin Code

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Free Ed Skin Code
Following Mai's free skin, Ed has one released

After Mai Shiranui's free skin was released yesterday for all those watching Capcom Cup, Street Fighter have also released one for Ed. 

The free Ed skin is of his first outfit in the color orange paired with a light pair of jeans and orange shoes to match. The code has been put out by various X accounts so that no one misses out. 

The code is:


To use the code, simply go to the options section, go to 'game' and then to 'input event code'

Once done, you'll have the new skin and there is a promise of three more free skins for random characters which will be revealed for each day of Capcom Cup. 

There are still more days of action to go and it has been amazing so far. 

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