FlyQuest Picks up SF6 Punk & Renews SSBM Jmook's Contract

Sebastian Quintanilla
1 min

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FlyQuest Picks up SF6 Punk & Renews SSBM Jmook's Contract
FlyQuest expansion into the FGC continues to grow!

FlyFighters, FlyQuest's fighting games division, announced today that Street Fighter pro player Punk would be joining them, becoming the team's first traditional fighting game player. At the same time, Jmook, one of the two Super Smash Brothers Melee players on the roster, also confirmed he would stay with the team and even move to Los Angeles to be closer to them.

Punk announced his free agency in December 2022, and it seems like FlyQuest heard the call. It remains to be seen if the team will do any other signings for Fighting Games talent, but there is no denying that there are quality Street Fighter 6 free agents wanting to prove they are the best this weekend at Evo 2023.

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