Ed Will Be Playable At Capcom Cup

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Ed Will Be Playable At Capcom Cup
Players will get a taste of the latest character really soon

When the Ed trailer was released, the consensus was simple: Ed WAS cool! For a character that seemed a little bland and edgy for the sake of it, it is astonishing that he has become a lot more interesting thanks to some of the character design and playstyle. 

Now Ed will be playable at Capcom Cup which is earlier than it was expected as we thought we wouldn't be getting Ed till the very end of February 2024

But in a social media post by Capcom Fighters, it has been announced that Ed will be playbale during Capcom Cup from 21-23 February. With all the players that will be at the tournament along with fans and spectators, it will give people a feel of how the character operates. 

Ed's playstyle has changed as he leans more towards a boxer style of fighting which makes him a lot more like Balrog than ever before. He has been equipped wuth a lot of fun tools that should make him a memorable character to play. 

Capcom Cup starts from the 16th of February and will run till the 25th of February 2024.

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