Dragon: "I’m A Bit Disappointed By The Direction MK1 Might Be Going"

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Dragon: "I’m A Bit Disappointed By The Direction MK1 Might Be Going"
The Injustice 2 World Champion shares his opinion on MK1.

The Injustice 2 World Champion Ryan "Dragon" Walker shared his opinion about the big Mortal Kombat 1 patch that was released this week. In his X (ex-Twitter), Dragon mentioned he doesn't like the Cyrax Kameo nerf:

"I’m a bit disappointed by the patch and the direction this game might be going. I do believe Kameo Cyrax and Lao needed *MINOR* nerfs but seeing next to no buffs could mean that each patch the top tiers will be nerfed till eventually the game becomes dry, which is kinda scary.

I believe in nerfing the overall power of tools without completely taking it away. I think that Cyrax should’ve just gotten a cooldown increase + more damage scaling. Lao nerfs we’re good. We should be bringing other Kameos and characters to the top tiers power level imo.

For example; Johnny can still do what he does best (offense) but having an 8f shadow kick and 2 frame parry for defense is a bit much. Nerf the frames *SLIGHTLY*. Then *MINOR* buffs to low tier characters so the game will still be fun and not turn dry by constant nerfs each patch.

We want to have fun in this game and it’s ok if characters are strong. As a community, we should not be screaming for huge nerfs every second. Eventually people will just think the game is not fun because every character and kameo will be at Sub-Zero’s level lmao".

This week, the Mortal Kombat 1 developers heavily nerfed Cyrax's Kopter Chopper, adjusting both its damage and bar cost. You can read the full patch notes here

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