DashFight Awards 2023: Commentator of the Year

Alex Samonov
1 min

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DashFight Awards 2023: Commentator Of The Year
Your favorite caster of 2023!

Today, we reveal another category for our annual DashFight Awards, which celebrates those who voice all these unforgettable moments - the commentators. Like all of us, they're part of a big family, the fighting game community, and share everyone's love and passion for this genre while also being professional, with vast game knowledge, charisma, and the ability to make even the most boring match entertaining. They're absolute rock stars behind the mic; in the joy of victory and the bitterness of defeat, their voices guide us, make us laugh, and can make a show out of nowhere. 

Tasty Steve





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This material was created with the support of our Patrons. You can support us!

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