Creator of Undead Unluck Manga: "I play SF6 when have writer's block"

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Creator of Undead Unluck Manga: "I play SF6 when have writer's block"
Interesting source of inspiration

Undead Unluck is a Japanese manga which recently got an anime adaptation. It describes a young girl who can't touch anyone because of her "unluck" curse and an "undead" man with incredible regenerative abilities. The author of Undead Unluck, Yoshifumi Totsuka, shared in an interview that one of his favourite ways to overcome writer's block is... Street Fighter 6!

"When I'm trying to think of the next story and have writer's block, I sleep. So, in general, I actually do get plenty of sleep. And if that doesn't help, I play Street Fighter 6 [the ranked matches]. And when I'm winning, it's great, but if I'm losing, my stress levels go up a little bit, and then I take out my frustrations on my manga because I remind myself, “I'm a Shonen Jump manga artist, come on!” So, it's just cycling between sleeping, [playing] Street Fighter, and taking a nap. Over and over again."

He also shared that his main Street Fighter 6 character is Kimberly: "In the previous Street Fighter, there was Zeku, a ninja character, and you could switch between his old version and his young version. His disciple is Kimberly, so I choose her."

Undead Unluck began publishing in January 2020, since then, it has 19 volumes. The anime adaptation was made by famous Japanese studio David Production, which is most famous for JoJo's Bizarre Adventures.

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