CPT World Warrior UK-Ireland: Final Eight Will Be Played Offline

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CPT World Warrior UK-Ireland: Final Eight Will Be Played Offline
Great event in London to celebrate the start of 2024!

The flow of different news about the Capcom Pro Tour is not planning to stop. One of the last spots in Capcom Cup X will be on the line in the World Warrior UK-Ireland finals. What's great is that the final bracket will be played offline in London.

Eight players who earned the most points during weekly World Warrior tournaments will determine the best on January 7 in the New Meta Gaming Arena.

We can also tell the initial seedings of the final bracket. In its upper part, we have EndingWalker vs. Problem-X and broski vs. Lexx. In the lower bracket, Musclenoob will meet with Shakz, and flawlessdeku will face The4philzz. Four players had 115 points, but Lexx and Problem-X got their upper-bracket seeds due to higher placements. All matches are Ft3, and the tournament winner will qualify for Capcom Cup X.

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